Nikki Blue
Nikki has been singing sweet songstress vocals for over 31 years. She started singing, dancing and rapping with Atlanta girls group “P.Y.T” (Pretty Young Thangs), when she was just 12 years old. Eshe, former member of Arrested Development, made sure that P.Y.T. was perfect before hitting the stage. Nikki’s girl group had the opportunity to perform in front of music executives at Columbia Records and a host of others. As you can see Nikki is no stranger to the music business, as this is a family affair! Her mother, known as “Lady Blue”, as well as her sister, "Doni", are performers as well, having opened for well known acts and holding spots on major record labels. Nikki is committed to her artistry and you can hear it clearly in every note! Become a member of the Nfluent Entertainment Patreon to catch her music.